Simposio sobre los combustibles alternativos con emisiones bajas, o sin emisiones, de carbono para el transporte marítimo

En pro de una transición justa e incluyente hacia un transporte marítimo con emisiones bajas de carbono
El simposio se centró en los retos y oportunidades que representa la producción de combustibles renovables para la descarbonización del transporte marítimo, en especial, para los países en desarrollo, y en la necesidad de potenciar la cooperación a todos los niveles para contribuir a esta transición en el mundo. El evento tuvo lugar el 21 de octubre de 2022 en la sede de la OMI en Londres en modalidad híbrida.
El simposio estuvo abierto a la participación de los Gobiernos Miembros, organizaciones intergubernamentales, organizaciones no gubernamentales y el público en general.
Puede encontrar un resumen del evento aquí (en inglés).
Puede ver la grabación del Simposio aquí:
Programa y presentaciones
Puede encontrar el programa más abajo o descargarlo aquí (en inglés)
09.30- 09.38 Opening remarks by the Secretary-General Mr. Kitack Lim – Secretary General, IMO
09.38- 09.40 Message from the Minister of Energy of Chile Mr. Diego Pardow – Minister of Energy, Chile
09.40- 09.45 Introduction of the Symposium Mr. Arsenio Dominguez – Director Marine Environment Division, IMO
09.45- 11.00 Block 1 – Overcoming barriers to global access to low- and zero-carbon marine fuels
Moderator: Ms. Katharine Palmer – UNFCCC Climate Champion
Ms. Elizabeth Connelly – Energy Technology and Transport Analyst, International Energy Agency. Outlook: Shipping's future energy demand projections to 2050. Please see her presentation on 19:41-28:42 min on IMO Symposium video
Mr. Kenneth Tveter – Head of Green Transition Group, Clarksons. Are low-carbon fuels a sustainable solution? Please see his presentation on 29:00-35:33 min on IMO Symposium video
Mr. Jonah Sweeney – European Marine Fuels, Argus. Price considerations of alternative low- and zero-carbon marine fuels. Please see his presentation on 35:57-43:28 min on IMO Symposium video
Mr. Chris Chatterton - Chief Operating Officer, Methanol Institute. Overcoming barriers to global access to low- and zero-carbon marine fuels. Please see his presentation on 43:35-52:34 min on IMO Symposium video
Ms. Shamika Sirimanne – Director Technology and Logistics, UNCTAD. Trade perspectives on shipping decarbonization. Please see her presentation on 52:38-1:00:35 min on IMO Symposium video
11.30- 13.00 Block 2 – Opportunities of the fuel transition for developing countries
Moderator: Mr. John Fatuimoana Kautoke - Adviser, High Commissioner, Tonga
Ms. Claudia Octaviano - Climate Change Mitigation Coordinator, INECC, Mexico. Fostering renewable energy production in developing countries. Please see her presentation on 2:00:24-2:15:20 min on IMO Symposium video
Mr. Waleid Gamaleldien, Chairman, Suez Canal Economic Zone, Egypt. Experience sharing: How to establish a green fuel hub. Please see his presentation on 2:16:03-2:23:43 min on IMO Symposium video
Mr. Lau Blaxekjær - Senior Project Manager, Global Maritime Forum. Involvement of developing countries in inclusive route-based action plans. Please see his presentation on 2:24:07-2:34:02 min on IMO Symposium video
Mr. Stuart Neil - Director of Strategy and Communications, International Chamber of Shipping. Reinforcing links between the energy sector and shipping: Clean Energy Marine Hubs. Please see his presentation on 2:45:09-2:53:21 min on IMO Symposium video
Mr. Yanxian Cai – Vice President, China Classification Society (CCS). Potential for on-board carbon capture technology in shipping. Please see his presentation on 2:53:25-3:01:44 min on IMO Symposium video
Mr. Voytek Chelkowski – Managing Partner, Seamind Blue Ocean. Trade perspectives on shipping decarbonization. Please see his presentation on 3:02:00-3:13:19 min on IMO Symposium video
14.00- 15.20 Block 3 – How to accommodate a 'just and equitable' transition towards low-carbon shipping
Moderator: Ms. Fernanda Milicay – Minister, Permanent Representative to IMO, Argentina
Mr. Christiaan De Beukelaer - Senior Lecturer Culture & Climate, University of Melbourne. What is the "just and equitable" transition? Please see his presentation on 4:46:28-4:55:43 min on IMO Symposium video
Ms. Atina Shutz, Researcher, Micronesian Center for Sustainable Transport. Specific opportunities for SIDS and LDCs: improving access to climate finance for mitigation and adaptation in the most climate vulnerable countries. Please see her presentation on 4:56:51-5:06:18 min on IMO Symposium video
Mr. Goran Dominioni - Economist, World Bank. How to allocate revenues of carbon pricing instruments. How to allocate revenues of carbon pricing instruments. Please see his presentation on 5:07:39-5:16:08 min on IMO Symposium video
Mr. Fabio da Silva Vinhado - Director, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Brazil. Experiences in using low carbon fuels. Please see his presentation on 5:42:59-5:53:56 min on IMO Symposium video
Mr. Gerardo Borromeo – Vice Chairman and CEO, Philippine Transmarine Carriers (PTC) and 'Just Transition Task Force'. Building a green and resilient low-carbon shipping economy: job creation, skill development and capacity building. Please see his presentation on 5:54:51-6:02:45 min on IMO Symposium video
Ms. Mehtap Özdemir – Secretary General, Turkish Shipbuilders' Association (GISBIR). Access to technology and retrofitting. Please see her presentation on 6:03:22-6:13:41 min on IMO Symposium video
15.20- 15.30 Findings and conclusions: Improving international and national collaboration within the shipping-port-energy nexus to ensure a "just and equitable" transition
Mr. Arsenio Dominguez – Director Marine Environment Division, IMO
Detalles del evento
Consulte las fotografías del evento aquí.
Vea el vídeo introductorio del Simposio - 'Producing future marine fuels' aquí:
Puede encontrar más información sobre el simposio anterior, que tuvo lugar del 9 al 10 de febrero de 2021, aquí.