Conférence sur le transport maritime vert ("Green Shipping conference")

La transition verte présente des défis et des possibilités pour le secteur maritime mondial. L'OMI, en collaboration avec les autorités maritimes du Ghana et du Danemark, a organisé et parrainé dans le cadre du Programme intégré de coopération technique (PICT) de l'OMI, une conférence sur le transport maritime vert ("Green Shipping conference") à Accra (Ghana), du 15 au 16 février. La Conférence a fourni un forum pour discuter des possibilités et des défis que représente la décarbonation du secteur des transports maritimes internationaux pour les pays africains. Le thème était "Unlocking Opportunities for Green Shipping in Africa" (Débloquer les possibilités pour le transport maritime vert en Afrique).
Veuillez trouver le discours d’ouverture du Secrétaire général de l’OMI, M. Kitack Lim, ici.
Programme et exposés
Veuillez trouver le programme ci-dessous ou télécharger le programme ici. (en anglais seulement)
February 15
09.50 - 10.20 Welcome and opening remarks
- Mr. Thomas Kofi Alonsi, Director General of Ghana Maritime Authority
- Mr. Kitack Lim, Secretary-General of International Maritime Organization
- Hon. Kwaku Ofori Asiamah, Ghana's Minister for Tranportation
10.30 - 11.50 Session in opportunities including presentations
Energy efficiency and technology development, moderated by Maria Skipper Schwenn, Executive Director of Danish Shipping
Regulatory framework
Roel Hoenders, Head of Air, Pollution and Energy Efficiency, International Maritime Organization. “IMO on regulation and progress on short term energy efficiency measures”
Concrete measures
Maria Skipper Schwenn, Executive Director, Climate, environment and safety, Danish Shipping. "Energy efficiency continues to be key for decarbonization"
Lydia Ngugi, Maritime Technology Cooperation Center Africa. "Energy efficiency in line with regulation supporting decarbonisation"
Hany El Nady, Chief Group Representative, Mærsk. "Mærsk's perspective on decarbonization and energy efficiency"
Christopher David Sulle, Sales and Projects, DESMI. "Pump solutions and energy efficiency"
11.50 - 12.30 Green jobs
Presentation and interactive session on just transition by UN Global Compact
13.30 -14.45 Session on ooportunities including presentations
Green Corridors:
Tanja Dalgaard and Jan-Christoph Napierski, Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping. "Green corridors project with Chilean government"
Panel on green ports in Africa. Moderated by Michael Luguje, Director General of Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority. Panel consisting of:
Mohamed Samara, Chief Executive Officer at Meridian Port Services, Port of Tema, Ghana
Tauqeer Ahmed, Head of Engineering Centre of Excellence, Transnet National Ports Authority, Port of Ngqura, South Africa.
Frida Youssef, Chief of Transport Section at Trade Logistics Branch at UNCTAD
Safae Lyazidi, Head of Security and Sustainable Development, Port Authority of Morocco. "Morocco port sector's green transition"
14.45 -15.30 Alternative energy and fuel production and financing, moderated by Jan-Christoph Napierski, Head of public affairs, Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping:
Africa Green Hydrogen Alliance - alternative fuels and opportunities for Africa, cas studies and panel, including:
Masopha Moshoeshoe, Chief Director, Investment Promotion and Unblocking, Ministry of the Presidency, South Africa. "Unlocking opportunities for green shipping in Africa"
Frans Kalenga, Senior Manager for sustainable energies at NAMCOR and special assistant to the Minister of Mines and Energy on Green Hydrogen and Synthetic Fuels, Namibia
16.00 - 17.00 Support for green infrastructure, panel moderated by Dr. Kwasi Awuah-Werekoh, Director of Finance, Ghana Maritime Authority:
Isabelle Rojon, Maritime Transport Specialist, Transport Global Practice at World Bank Group. "Support for green infrastructure"
Marco M. Yamacuchi. African Development Bank. "Redefining the transport Intraestructure system in Africa"
February 16
09.30 – 09.45 Welcome and take aways from day one by Director General Thomas Kofi Alonsi
09.45 – 11.00 Keynote: Perspectives on green shipping in an African context by Harry Conway, Liberian representative to IMO and chair of MEPC
Panel discussion: What is in it for Africa?, moderated by Harry Conway. Panel:
Mr. John Omingo, Director General of Kenya Maritime Authority
Mr. Jonas Sheelongo, Deputy Executive Director of Transport, Ministry of Works and Transport of Namibia
Dr. Mrs. Oma P. Ofodile, Deputy Director of Marine Environment Management Department, Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency
Capt. Abdul Nasir Inusah, Director Technical, Ghana Maritime Authority
RADM. Ahmed Abdelkhalek Badawy, Head of Central Administration, Maritime Transport Sector, Egypt
11.00 – 12.00 Side event on maritime solutions
12.00 – 13.00 Interactive session
15.30 – 16.00 Closing remarks by Director General Thomas Kofi Alonsi