Archive 2024
IMO-UNEP-Norway Innovation Forum spotlights solutions for maritime decarbonization
International delegates attending the 4th IMO-UNEP-Norway Innovation Forum (24-25 October) have outlined a set of recommendations to support developing countries in their journey to net zero shipping.
Maritime Technology Global Challenge - decarbonization solutions ready
Four pilot projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in ports in Africa and the Caribbean are ready for implementation, following their selection under the IMO CARES Global Technology Challenge.
Damage during maritime transportation: Cameroon boosts liability and compensation regime
IMO is helping to drive progress on ratifying, implementing and enforcing IMO liability instruments in Cameroon with a workshop in Yaoundé (21-25 October).
Cuba gears up to join ballast water management Convention
A national workshop held in Havana, Cuba (22-24 October) aims to equip government officials with the knowledge and skills needed to ratify, implement and enforce IMO’s Ballast Water Management Convention.
Ukraine explores accession to IMO oil spill response Convention
Ukraine is laying the groundwork towards eventual accession to the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation 1990 (OPRC), supported by a study led by IMO.
Supporting casualty investigation and reporting in Western Africa
An IMO regional workshop to support improvements in rate of investigation and reporting into marine casualties and incidents in Western Africa has taken place in Lagos, Nigeria (7-11 October).
New partnership to support biofouling management in Asia
A new partnership agreement between IMO’s TEST Biofouling Project and the Maritime Technology Cooperation Centre of Asia (MTCC Asia) aims to support the region in managing ships’ biofouling and addressing the spread of invasive aquatic species.
Supporting the Western Balkans to strengthen compliance with seafarer training standards
Governments in the Western Balkans area of Europe have gained a deeper understanding of the communication requirements they must fulfil to help ensure that their national maritime training procedures and institutions meet global standards set by IMO.
Caspian Sea States bolster regional cooperation on oil spill response
Governments around the Caspian Sea have finalized a draft regional action plan ("Aktau Protocol Plan") for responding to major oil spills, given the rapid rise of oil and gas exploration and production in the region.