IMO Events
IMO/ITLOS Workshop
Continue ReadingThe Workshop aims to promote dialogue on enhancing the enforcement of regulations at sea, particularly concerning vessel arrests, prompt release, fraudulent registration and fraudulent registries of ships.
Protecting seafarers against criminalization: what more can be done?
Continue ReadingThis event will bring together key stakeholders from the maritime sector to address the criminalization of seafarers and the need for their fair treatment.
Interspill Conference 2025
Continue ReadingIMO will participate at the Interspill Conference 2025, Europe's leading Oil Spill Conference and Exhibition, where global experts and industry leaders will come together to address the challenges posed by future oil spills.
Symposium on Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) 2025 and IMO MASS Code
Continue ReadingThis event aims to facilitate collaboration in developing of the IMO MASS Code, while showcasing relevant MASS industry projects, applications and operational experience.
International Day for Women in Maritime 2025
Continue ReadingThe day celebrates women in the industry and is intended to promote the recruitment, retention and sustained employment of women in the maritime sector.
Day of the Seafarer 2025
Continue ReadingDay of the seafarer is an official United Nations international observance day which takes place every year on 25 June. Organized by IMO, it aims to increase awareness of the world's 1.5 million seafarers.
World Maritime Day theme 2025
Continue Reading"Our Ocean, Our Obligation, Our Opportunity" is IMO's World Maritime Day theme for 2025, which will culminate in the celebration of World Maritime Day on 25 September 2025.
Special event to mark the 60th Anniversary of the FAL Convention
Continue ReadingIMO is organizing a celebration of the 60th anniversary of the FAL Convention adoption. The Convention is designed to streamline and harmonize maritime traffic procedures.
Workshop on 2023 IMO GHG Strategy and Green Shipping Transition in Africa
Continue ReadingThe workshop aims to provide a platform for participants to exchange experiences, discuss challenges and opportunities towards developing an African maritime decarbonization needs assessment and action plan.
2025 Polar Maritime Seminar
Continue ReadingThe main topics on the seminar agenda include: trends in Arctic and Antarctic vessel activity, voyage planning, the PAME project, search and rescue, and training of seafarers for polar operations, among others.
IMO Awards Ceremony 2024
Continue ReadingThe event will see the presentation of the International Maritime Prize for 2023 and the 2024 IMO Honours for Exceptional Bravery at sea.
COP 29 Side Event: Decarbonising Transport
Continue ReadingIMO, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) are holding a side event at COP 29: Decarbonising Transport: Policies and Strategies For Aviation, Maritime and Land.
IMO at COP 29
Continue ReadingIMO will participate in the 2024 UN Climate Change Conference (COP 29) will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 11th to 22nd November 2024.
Symposium on maritime cyber security and resilience
Continue ReadingIMO and the University of Plymouth's Cyber-SHIP Lab are jointly organizing a Symposium on "Maritime cyber security and resilience".
3rd GloFouling R&D Forum and Exhibition on Biofouling Prevention and Management for Maritime Industries
Continue ReadingThe 3rd GloFouling R&D Forum, in Busan, the Republic of Korea will focus on the latest developments, under the theme “Shaping the future of biofouling management.”
IMO-UNEP-Norway Innovation Forum 2024
Continue ReadingThe 4th IMO-UNEP-Norway Innovation Forum will showcase green technologies and their deployment in the maritime sector and discuss and debate new financing models to fund sustainable maritime transport. Register now.
IMO-WMU Workshop on Underwater Radiated Noise
Continue ReadingIMO and the World Maritime University (WMU) are organizing a workshop to bring together various stakeholders and representatives from the countries involved in the GloNoise Partnership.
World Maritime Day theme 2024
Continue ReadingIMO's 2024 World Maritime Day will be celebrated under the theme "Navigating the future: safety first!". Click for video message and further information.
2024: 2nd WMO-IMO Symposium on Extreme Maritime Weather
Continue ReadingThis second International Symposium will advance the dialogue on extreme maritime weather and determine how the metocean and maritime communities can work together to help minimise the risks of extreme and hazardous weather to ships at sea.
Regional workshop on "Green Shipping in the Caribbean: Implementing the 2023 IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships"
Continue ReadingA two-day regional workshop on "Green Shipping in the Caribbean: Implementing the 2023 IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships" is organized by IMO, in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Utilities, Energy, Logistics, and E-Governance of Belize, and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. This Workshop is expected to be attended by 85 participants representing more than 18 countries and territories in the Caribbean region.
Biofouling events in Panama
Continue ReadingSpecialists in biofouling management from the Latin America and Caribbean region will be getting expert training through a series of events organized by the IMO-executed GEF-UNDP-IMO GloFouling Partnerships Project and TEST Biofouling project.
Informal workshop and exhibition on technical cooperation
IMO is inviting all delegates to the Technical Cooperation Committee to attend the informal workshop and exhibition on accessing IMO's technical cooperation assistance and enhancing technical cooperation delivery.Continue Reading -
Day of the Seafarer 2024
Continue ReadingDay of the seafarer is an official United Nations international observance day which takes place every year on 25 June. Organized by IMO, it aims to increase awareness of the world's 1.5 million seafarers.
Sustainable shipping and ports for SIDS: Resilience and strengthened climate investment
Continue ReadingIMO and the Antigua and Barbuda Department of Marine Services and Merchant Shipping, are organizing a side event in the margins of the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States, taking place in Antigua and Barbuda.
Global Supply Chain Forum Parallel Sessions
Continue ReadingIMO is at the UN Trade and Development Global Supply Chain Forum, with Parallel Sessions on “Climate change mitigation and energy transition” and on “Unlocking opportunities for green shipping in the Caribbean.”
International Day for Women in Maritime 2024
Continue ReadingThe day celebrates women in the industry and is intended to promote the recruitment, retention and sustained employment of women in the maritime sector.
IMO and the Republic of Korea Symposium on IMO MASS Code
Continue ReadingThe event is intended to support the ongoing effort of the Organization to develop a goal-based, non-mandatory MASS Code.
Celebration of the 35th anniversary of the IMO International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI)
Continue ReadingThe event will be an opportunity to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the IMO International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI).
Science Day Symposium 2024
Continue ReadingThe topic of the Symposium is "CCS and experiences with the 2012 Specific guidelines for the assessment of carbon dioxide for disposal into sub-seabed geological formations."
IMO Seminar on implications, challenges and opportunities of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships
Continue ReadingThe Seminar will be an opportunity to understand the future impact of MASS on ports.
IMO-UNCTAD-IRENA side event at COP28
Continue ReadingThis side event will outline the ambitions in the 2023 GHG Strategy and highlight the need for collaboration amongst all stakeholders to reach the goals.
IMO at COP 28
Continue ReadingIMO will participate in the 2023 UN Climate Change Conference (COP 28) to showcase its commitment to reduce GHG emissions from shipping and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
IMO Awards Ceremony
Continue ReadingIMO currently celebrates two main Awards: IMO Honours for Exceptional Bravery at sea and the International Maritime Prize.
Joint IMO/ILO Conference on Work at Sea - Follow live 13 November
Continue ReadingThe Conference will focus on sharing best practices, views and experiences on ensuring the rights of seafarers and fishers; and identifying gaps in the current regulatory framework, including in relation to responsible management, among other topics.
MARPOL at 50
Continue ReadingThe MARPOL Convention was adopted on 2 November 1973 at IMO. To mark the 50 years since MARPOL was adopted, IMO World Maritime theme for 2023 is 'MARPOL at 50 – Our commitment goes on'.
Symposium - Maritime cyber security and resilience
Continue ReadingThe Symposium will share the latest international maritime cyber risk evaluation and mitigation research and explore how governments, industry, researchers, and NGOs can collaborate to build international maritime supply chain cyber resilience.
Djibouti Code of Conduct/Jeddah Amendment
Continue Reading6th High-Level Meeting on the Implementation of the Jeddah Amendment to the Djibouti Code of Conduct, Cape Town South Africa. Organized by IMO DCoC and hosted by South Africa Department of Transport, in partnership with the Indian Ocean Commission and EU Crimario. Live stream.
IMO-UNEP-Norway Innovation Forum 2023
Continue ReadingThe event will take place as part of the World Maritime Day celebrations. Topics will include: Environmental performance; reducing plastic litter from ships; supporting innovation in marine fuel production; decarbonizing the maritime sector; unlocking green finance; and partnerships and collaboration.
World Maritime Day 2023
Continue Reading'MARPOL at 50 – Our commitment goes on' is the International Maritime Organization's World Maritime theme for 2023. The theme reflects the organization's long history of protecting the environment from the impact of shipping via a robust regulatory framework, and emphasizes its ongoing commitment to this important work.
Workshop on the Relationship between Energy Efficiency and Underwater Radiated Noise from Ships
Continue ReadingThe workshop seeks to engage participants who work in the greenhouse gas (GHG) and underwater radiated noise (URN) technical, regulatory and policy spaces, to include wide participation from industry with practical experience implementing both GHG/emissions reductions programs as well as those who are interested in or involved in reducing URN.
Green shipping conference in Latin America
Continue ReadingThe "Green shipping conference in Latin America: Implementing the 2023 IMO GHG Strategy by unlocking opportunities and investments" explored the challenges and opportunities around the decarbonization of the shipping sector in the region; following the adoption of the 2023 IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships, in July 2023.
Day of the Seafarer
Continue ReadingDay of the seafarer is an official United Nations international observance day which takes place every year on 25 June. Organized by IMO, it aims to increase awareness of the world's 1.5 million seafarers. -
IMO and the Republic of Korea Symposium on IMO MASS Code
Continue ReadingThe Symposium aims to contribute to the development of the MASS Code and to establish a network for international cooperation. It also provides an opportunity to share insights on autonomous operation technology which is being developed in the Republic of Korea and other States. The links between autonomous ships and ports will be explored.
International Day for Women in Maritime
Continue ReadingInternational Day for Women in Maritime is observed on 18 May every year, following a resolution adopted by the IMO Assembly. It celebrates women in the industry and support work to address the current gender imbalance in maritime.
Regional Conference "Seizing opportunities for green shipping in Asia and the Pacific"
Continue ReadingA Regional Conference on the theme "Seizing opportunities for green shipping in Asia and the Pacific" is co-organized by the Philippines through the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA), the Danish Maritime Authority of Denmark, and the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
Arab Women in Maritime - Biofouling Management Workshop (AWIM-BMW)
Continue ReadingIMO’s GloFouling Partnerships project is organizing the Arab Women in Maritime – Biofouling Management Workshop (AWIM-BMW), within the context of the wider celebrations of the International Day for Women in Maritime on 18 May 2023.
AAMA Conference and IMO conference on Low-Carbon Shipping in Africa
Continue ReadingThe 6th Conference of the Association of African Maritime Administrations (AAMA) and IMO conference on Low-Carbon Shipping in Africa will be held in Mombasa, Kenya.
Seminar on legal issues including UNCLOS and MASS
Continue ReadingThe seminar on legal issues relating to maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS), including matters arising from the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), is being held during the second session of the Joint MSC-LEG-FAL MASS Working Group.
Workshop on 2010 Convention on Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS)
Continue ReadingThe IMO Workshop on the 2010 HNS Convention will be held to assist Member States in their work towards further ratifications of the 2010 HNS Protocol. The HNS Convention aims at providing a liability and compensation regime if an incident happens during the transport of hazardous and noxious substances (HNS) by sea.
Symposium - Addressing law enforcement challenges in the maritime supply chain to improve facilitation of international maritime traffic
Continue ReadingThe IMO/INTERPORTPOLICE Symposium aims at providing background information on a range of criminal activities related to ports and shipping, including corruption, fraudulent documentation and illegal wildlife trade; and considering ways to better address law enforcement challenges in the maritime supply chain, in order to improve facilitation of international maritime traffic.
Pacific Regional Maritime Search and Rescue Workshop and Pacific Women in Maritime Conference
Continue ReadingThe Pacific region faces a unique set of maritime challenges. To address these challenges and promote cooperation within nations, two events will be held concurrently in Cairns, Australia: the Pacific Regional Maritime Search and Rescue (PACSAR) Workshop and the Pacific Women in Maritime (PacWIMA) Conference.
Regional Roundtable on improving the availability of maritime transport costs data
Continue ReadingThe roundtable was part of IMO's efforts to support Pacific SIDS advance towards low-carbon shipping and underscores the role of South-South Cooperation in providing replicable solutions to challenges faced by IMO Member States in other regions.
Green Shipping conference
Continue ReadingThe Green Shipping conference in Accra, Ghana, provided a forum to discuss opportunities and challenges for African countries in the decarbonization of international shipping.
Symposium - Maritime Single Window 2024
Continue ReadingIMO, IAPH and BIMCO, with the support of IPCSA, are organising the 'Maritime Single Window 2024 – A window of opportunities' hybrid symposium which will bring together institutions, governments, port authorities, industry associations, shipowners, and solution providers from around the world to discuss the benefits and opportunities for maritime trade arising from the application of the maritime single window (MSW).
UNCLOS at 40
Continue ReadingThe event is expected to address topics related to the forty years of cooperation between IMO and UNCLOS, and IMO’s contribution to the implementation of the Convention, and to examine present and future challenges for UNCLOS in the context of new developments at IMO.
IMO side event at COP27
Continue ReadingIMO is organizing, in collaboration with UNCTAD, IRENA and the World Bank, a side-event on exploring opportunities for developing States in renewable fuel production for the maritime industry.
IMO Awards Ceremony 2022
Continue ReadingThe 2022 IMO Awards Ceremony will see the presentation of the International Maritime Prize for 2021 and the 2022 IMO Awards for Exceptional Bravery at Sea.
Polar Maritime Seminar
Continue ReadingIMO and The Nautical Institute are jointly organizing the Polar Maritime Seminar. The Seminar will provide an update on Polar shipping developments, including vessel activity trends, regulations and governance.
Webinar “2024 - Window of opportunities for shipping”
Continue ReadingThe webinar aims at highlighting the benefits and opportunities for maritime trade arising from the application of the maritime single window (MSW) to electronic ship clearance processes in ports which will become mandatory for Contracting Governments to the FAL Convention on 1 January 2024.
IMO Symposium on alternative low- and zero-carbon fuels for shipping
Continue ReadingThe Second IMO Symposium on low- and zero-carbon fuels for shipping: "Ensuring a just and inclusive transition towards low-carbon shipping" will focus on the challenges and opportunities that renewable fuel production represents in the context of shipping decarbonization, particularly for developing countries, and the need for enhanced cooperation at all levels to support this global transition.
World Maritime Day Parallel Event 2022
Continue ReadingThe World Maritime Day Parallel Event (WMDPE) will be held in Durban, South Africa, from 12 to 14 October 2022. The event will consist of a number of high-level panel discussions focused on IMO's 2022 theme: "New Technologies for Greener Shipping".
2nd Glofouling Partnerships R&D Forum and Exhibition on Biofouling Prevention and Management for Maritime Industries
Continue ReadingThe IMO-GloFouling Partnerships flagship conference on Biofouling Management will bring together regulatory bodies, academia, leading scientific experts, technology developers, and representatives from maritime industries, for a comprehensive overview of this rapidly expanding area of research and development of technologies.
IMO-WMU Conference
Continue ReadingIMO and the World Maritime University (WMU) are jointly organizing an academic conference that will discuss ocean and climate related topics under the framework of the London Convention and Stockholm Declaration's 50th anniversaries.
World Maritime Day 2022
Continue Reading'New technologies for greener shipping' is the World Maritime theme for 2022, reflecting the need to support a green transition of the maritime sector into a sustainable future, while leaving no one behind.
IMO-UNEP-Norway Innovation Forum
Continue ReadingThe IMO-UNEP-Norway Innovation Forum is a two-day hybrid (live in person at the IMO Headquarters in London and virtual) global platform aimed at championing innovation to accelerate the transition of the marine sector towards a zero- and low-emission future.
IMO at the UN Ocean Conference
Continue ReadingIMO will be at the UN Ocean Conference. As the United Nations agency responsible for developing and adopting measures to improve the safety and security of international shipping and to prevent pollution from ships, and for the prevention of pollution by dumping of waste at sea, IMO has an integral role in meeting the targets set out in the United Nations.
IMO-Singapore Future of Shipping Conference: Decarbonisation
Continue ReadingIMO and the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore are jointly organizing the IMO-Singapore Future of Shipping Conference: Decarbonisation (FOSC) on 6 April 2022.
Regional Webinars on Fishing Vessel Safety
Continue ReadingA series of webinars promoting the importance of the 2012 Cape Town Agreement on fishing vessel safety. Organized by IMO, in cooperation with The Pew Charitable Trusts, the webinars provide a platform to share lessons learned from States that have already ratified the Agreement, or are currently in the process of doing so.
2021 IMO Awards Ceremony
Continue ReadingIMO is very pleased to announce that the 2021 IMO Awards Ceremony will take place on Monday, 6 December 2021 at 6.15p.m. London time. The event will be celebrated at IMO Headquarters, and will present the International Maritime Prize 2020 as well as 2021 IMO Awards for Exceptional Bravery at Sea.
IMO at COP 26
Continue ReadingThe IMO exhibition stand located in the Pavilion can be found in Hall 4. Details of the IMO-led side events held within the margins of COP 26 will be provided in due course.
IMO’s commitment to decarbonize shipping through concerted international action
Continue ReadingIMO at COP 26: IMO’s commitment to decarbonize shipping through concerted international action. Join us for a panel discussion hosted by IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim and moderated by Mr. Julian Bray, Editor-in-Chief, Tradewinds.
IMO-UNCTAD side event at COP26: Seizing opportunities for developing countries in providing zero-carbon fuels to global shipping
Continue ReadingDecarbonization of international shipping requires a rapid shift from today’s predominant use of fossil fuels to zero-carbon alternatives. This side event explores the opportunities for developing countries in producing and supplying zero-carbon marine fuels to ships in their ports.
World Maritime Day interactive webinar
Continue ReadingIMO hosted a Teams Live webinar at 12.00 BST exploring the theme "Seafarers: at the core of shipping’s future". In addition to hearing from Secretary General Kitack Lim, attendees heard from four seafarers about the following topics: diversity, safety, crew change and the environment.
IMO-UNEP Zero and Low Emission Innovation Forum
Continue ReadingThe IMO-UNEP-Norway Zero-and Low-Emission Innovation Forum is a 3 day event championing innovation to accelerate the transition of the marine sector towards a zero- and low-emission future.
Inaugural WIMOWCA event
Continue ReadingThe inaugral event by the new Women in Martiime of West and Central Africa (WIMIWCA) that explores the theme of 'Maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea' and features high profile speakers including IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim and the Minister of State for Transportation of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Gbemisola Ruqayyah Saraki.
IMO-Singapore Future of Shipping Conference
Continue ReadingIMO and the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore are jointly organizing the IMO-Singapore Future of Shipping Conference and NextGEN Inaugural Workshop on Friday, 23 April 2021 from 9.00 a.m. to 11.50 a.m. (UTC+1). These events seek to share insights on decarbonization, digitalization and trade in a disrupted world following the global COVID-19 pandemic.
IMO Awards and recognitions
Continue ReadingIMO currently has two main Awards: the IMO Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea and the International Maritime Prize. -
International Women's Day 2021
Continue ReadingTo celebrate International Women's Day on Monday, 8 March 2021, IMO is launching the online campaign #MyMaritimeMentor. Women and the global maritime community are invited to participate by sharing a photo of their mentor and a card that will be released soon, using the hashtag #MyMaritimeMentor on social media: Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram and Facebook.
Symposium on alternative low-carbon and zero-carbon fuels
Continue ReadingThe symposium aims to raise awareness, to present state-of-the art research and innovation, to discuss the advancement of alternative low-carbon and zero-carbon fuels in international shipping, and to discuss initiatives to promote the availability, affordability and uptake of future marine fuels.
Webinars on the Future of Shipping
Continue ReadingIMO and the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore are organizing two webinars on the Future of Shipping (17 September 2020 and 8 October 2020).