27 October 2023

Practical training on marine casualty investigation

As part of a new approach to capacity building for Member States on the implementation of the Casualty Investigation Code, IMO is facilitating practical training to the officials responsible for marine casualty and marine incident investigation. A five-day attachment programme on marine casualty investigation at the Transport Safety Investigation Bureau of Singapore (TSIB) in Singapore (23-27 October), allowed participants from Thailand and the Philippines to gain hands-on experience on conduct of investigations. 

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25 October 2023

Experts meet on container ship fire prevention, detection and containment

Addressing fires on container ships requires a holistic risk-based approach and prioritization of risk prevention and mitigation enhancement when developing amendments. To support ongoing work on developing revisions to SOLAS or new regulations concerning detection and control of fires in cargo holds and on the cargo deck of containerships, experts in containership fires and Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) have been meeting at IMO Headquarters in London (23-26 October). The Experts Group is reviewing the outcome of the CARGOSAFE study.

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24 October 2023

Finland funding boost for IMO-GreenVoyage2050 project

The Government of Finland has pledged funding worth 150,000 Euros to the IMO-GreenVoyage2050 project which supports developing countries in their efforts to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from ships and in ports. The GreenVoyage2050 Project is a key IMO initiative that has been instrumental globally in supporting developing countries, including Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs), make progress with implementation of the IMO GHG Strategy.

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23 October 2023

France deposits instruments on IMO Council changes and hazardous and noxious cargoes liability

France has become the latest country to accept amendments to the Convention on the International Maritime Organization (IMO).  At the same time, France deposited its instrument of accession to the treaty which covers liability and compensation for the transport of hazardous and noxious substances (HNS) by ships. Both deposits were made by Her Excellency Mrs. Marine de Carné-Trécesson, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of France, during a meeting with IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim (23 October).  

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23 October 2023

Training the Member State Audit Scheme leaders of the future

As part of work to address an increased demand for audit team leaders (ATLs), a course for auditors under the IMO Member State Audit Scheme (IMSAS) is being held at IMO Headquarters in London (23-27 October). It is the fourth such course to take place since the introduction of IMSAS. Those participating have previously been part of teams which have conducted audits under IMSAS since 2018, and who are deemed now to be prospective future leaders. 

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23 October 2023

IMO CARES connects maritime decarbonization stakeholders

Matching the specific needs of developing countries for domestic maritime emissions reduction with donors and technology providers is critical. The recent Cares Connect event held in London (27 September) enabled representatives from Africa and the Caribbean to discuss their domestic maritime GHG reduction needs – and hear from technology providers about their potential solutions as well as from donors.

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20 October 2023

Drafting national legislation to implement IMO instruments

Insufficient training of lawyers and legislative drafters blocks the implementation of national legislation reflecting the provisions of IMO instruments. This is shown by the voluntary and mandatory IMO Member State Audit Scheme (IMSAS). To address the issue, a workshop on how to draft effective national legislation was held at IMO Headquarters (9-13 October). 

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20 October 2023

Promoting free-flowing trade by ship in Pacific Islands region

Participants from 13 Pacific Island nations gathered to deepen their understanding of maritime trade facilitation and the maritime single window (MSW) concept in Nadi, Fiji (17-20 October). The workshop was attended by 43 representatives from customs, maritime administrations and port authorities and included presentations highlighting the importance of maritime transport to their region. It was also a forum to give advice on the FAL Convention amendments which will enter into force next

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19 October 2023

Boosting oil spill preparedness skills in Barbados

A comprehensive, up to date and tested National Oil Spill Contingency Plan (NOSCP) is the foundation for an effective and sustainable oil spill preparedness and response framework. Against this backdrop, a national workshop has been taking place in Bridgetown, Barbados (17-19 October). It is aimed at 22 senior managers and administrators involved in responding to oil pollution incidents, to ensure they have the requisite knowledge to respond to oil spill incidents effectively and efficiently.  

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