31 August 2023

Unlocking opportunities for green shipping in Latin America

The high renewable energy potential of Latin American countries, the importance of bringing the maritime and energy sector together, and the investment opportunities on the production, upscaling and eventual bunkering of green shipping fuels and port infrastructure were at the core of the debates during the IMO Green shipping conference in Latin America (28-29 August) in Santiago, Chile.

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30 August 2023

IMO initiatives promoted during Global Environment Facility meeting

The successful “GLO-X” partnership model of several IMO-led initiatives supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) was highlighted during a side-event co-hosted by the three organizations at the GEF’s Seventh Assembly in Vancouver, Canada (22-26 August). 

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30 August 2023

Supporting Viet Nam’s accession to oil spill preparedness convention

The development of a roadmap for Viet Nam’s accession to the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation (OPRC) was the aim of a National Workshop in Hanoi (22-25 August). Key stakeholders came together to enhance understanding of the international framework for oil spill preparedness and response by raising awareness of the treaty’s key elements. 

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09 August 2023

Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index explained in video series

Maritime administration personnel, shipowners and operators can get to grips with the Energy Efficiency eXisting Ship Index (EEXI) through a new free-to-access series of online videos. The short films, developed by the Global Industry Alliance to Support Low Carbon Shipping (Low Carbon GIA), provide an introduction to IMO’s EEXI requirements, how to calculate the attained and required EEXI, and how the survey and certification works.

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08 August 2023

Implementation Sub-Committee finalizes updates to key IMO instruments

Updates to four key IMO Assembly resolutions on implementation of IMO instruments were finalized at the Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments’ 9th session (III 9, 31 July to 4 August). The Sub-Committee also finalized the draft text of the III Code Implementation Guidance which aims to assist Member States in the implementation of the III Code, the standard of audits conducted under the IMO member state Audit Scheme (IMSAS).

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01 August 2023

Enhancing maritime security governance in Yemen

A national workshop is taking place (30 July-3 August) to improve maritime security decision-making, policy development and implementation in Yemen. The aim is to support the development of a national maritime security committee, along with a national strategy and a risk register.  

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28 July 2023

Seafarers’ views sought on safety management Code

Seafarers are invited to take part in an online questionnaire as part of a comprehensive study to assess the effectiveness of the International Safety Management Code (ISM Code) and how well it is implemented. The Study will provide objective evidence and conclusions along with proposed measures on modernizing provisions under the ISM Code to improve onboard safety and environmental protection policies.

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27 July 2023

IMO CARES decarbonization technology challenge

Technology providers from around the globe will be invited to submit innovative decarbonization solutions for ports and domestic vessels in Africa and the Caribbean for the IMO CARES (Coordinated Actions to Reduce Emissions from Shipping) project's Marine Technology Global Challenge. Up to four winners will receive funding to create bespoke proposals for use of their solutions in countries located in the two regions. 

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26 July 2023

Pacific region moves to ensure clean hulls and prevent invasive species

Pacific Island countries have been stepping up their efforts to improve biofouling management - crucial to minimize introductions of invasive aquatic species via ships' hulls. Representatives from all Pacific Island countries met in Suva, Fiji (17-18 July), to define and discuss an action plan that would lead to a harmonized implementation of the IMO Biofouling Guidelines.  

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