12 July 2023

Marine Environment Protection Committee 80th session

The 80th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) adopted the 2023 IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships, with more stringent targets to tackle harmful emissions. Other matters discussed during the meeting (3-7 July) include the adoption of revised Guidelines for the control and management of ships' biofouling and implementation of the Ballast Water Management Convention.

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06 July 2023

Maritime security workshop to expand skills in Africa and Indian Ocean

A regional workshop aimed at strengthening the capacity of safety and navigation authorities in Eastern and Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean (EA-SA-IO) is being held in Luanda, Angola (3-7 July). The event’s focus is on building knowledge of maritime security measures amongst authorized Officers in charge of compliance.   

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06 July 2023

Tackling marine plastic litter nationally and globally

A side event (5 July) during MEPC 80 heard updates from the GloLitter Partnerships Project on its work to tackle marine plastic litter nationally and globally. The Project team also outlined new and proposed schemes which aim to build on the achievements of the GloLitter initiative. 


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04 July 2023

Latest maritime law specialists celebrate at graduation ceremony

The achievements of 53 students graduating this year from IMO’s International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI) have been celebrated at a ceremony in Malta (30 June). The 40 students graduating from the IMLI post-graduate LLM programme and 13 from the Master of Humanities programme in International Maritime Legislation represent 35 countries from around the world. 

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03 July 2023

Caribbean maritime administrations updated at regional meeting

Caribbean Member States were updated on the latest developments at IMO, and Maritime Administrations, Regional and International stakeholders and relevant education institutions were afforded the opportunity to exchange information, at a Regional Meeting of Directors and Heads of Maritime Administrations (DIHMAR 2), in St. John's, Antigua and Barbuda (26-27 June 2023).  

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30 June 2023

Port of Lobito tests maritime single window developed by Singapore

Delegates from Angola and a representative of IMO have been able to test out the maritime single window (MSW) platform developed by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore for the Port of Lobito, Angola. The opportunity came at a business process study workshop in Singapore (27-30 June), as part of the Single Window for Facilitation of Trade (SWiFT) Project. 

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30 June 2023

Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships considers draft Revised IMO 2023 GHG Strategy

The Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 15) met ahead of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 80). The Group further considered and developed the text for the draft Revised IMO 2023 GHG Strategy. The Group finalized guidelines on lifecycle GHG intensity of marine fuels (LCA guidelines), along with a draft MEPC resolution, for submission to the MEPC for adoption. 

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30 June 2023

Getting ready for the maritime single window in the Caribbean region

Caribbean island countries have shared their state of readiness regarding the mandatory operation of Maritime Single Window (MSW) from January 2024 at the 26th annual general meeting of the Port Management Association of the Caribbean (PMAC), held in Antigua and Barbuda (28-30 June).

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28 June 2023

Ensuring successful search and rescue coordination in the Black Sea

The duties and responsibilities of a search and rescue mission coordinator (SMC) in the event of a search and rescue incident are the focus of a 10-day regional training course being held in Constanta, Romania (26 June-7 July) at the request of several Black Sea littoral States.   

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