18 October 2023

Training port stakeholders to support maritime decarbonization

The role of ports in supporting maritime decarbonization and the transition to greener energy was the focus of the "Port Actions for Green Shipping" workshop held in Mumbai, India (10–12 October). The aim of the workshop was to provide participants with specialized training on emission reduction opportunities in ports, in line with the objectives of the 2023 IMO GHG Strategy and IMO's resolution MEPC.366(79), which encourages voluntary cooperation between the port and shipping sectors to contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions from ships.

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17 October 2023

Brochure promotes IMO’s technical assistance work

A new IMO brochure details key priorities and the Organization’s programme of technical assistance to support Member States, particularly those categorized as Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries (LDCs). More than a third of IMO’s 175 Member States are classified as SIDS or LDCs. All Hands on Deck is available as a booklet and online – download it here 

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13 October 2023

Progressing revision of IMO instruments on life-saving and related equipment

Experts in ship construction, operations and survival at sea have been meeting for the second session of the Intersessional Working Group on the Revision of SOLAS Chapter III and the LSA Code (ISWG-SOLAS III-LSA)The aim of the meeting in Hamburg, Germany (9-13 October) is the establishment of a set of high-level goals and requirements to fill gaps in the provisions of SOLAS chapter III and the International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code

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13 October 2023

Secretary-General inaugurates refurbished Law Institute facilities

The Secretary-General of IMO, Kitack Lim, has inaugurated the newly modernized lecture hall and refurbished student accommodation at the IMO International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI) in Malta (9 October). Mr Lim, who is Chair of the IMLI Governing Board, also formally opened the Institute’s academic year 2023-2024 during his visit.   

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12 October 2023

Implementing oil pollution, liability and compensation measures in West Africa

Those responsible for implementing IMO conventions on pollution preparedness and response, and for transposing them into domestic legislation, are attending a sub-regional workshop aimed at sharing best practices relating to the instruments’ application in West Africa. The event in Lomé, Togo (10-13 October) is targeted at policymakers and those who advise on and who draft national laws in Benin, Guinea, Mauritania and Togo. 

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12 October 2023

New e-Learning course launched to train auditors

A new online course has been launched which aims to provide maritime administration officers and trainees with the tools and knowledge required to conduct audits under the IMO Member State Audit Scheme (IMSAS). Accessed via the IMO e-Learning platform, the course is targeted at officials who are involved in conducting internal audits of their administrations and who, following completion of this training, may be nominated as auditors under IMSAS. 

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10 October 2023

Concern about marine engineering techniques

Parties to the treaties which regulate the dumping of wastes at sea have reiterated, in a statement, their concern about marine engineering techniques, which have the potential for deleterious effects that are widespread, long-lasting or severe. They state that such marine geoengineering activities, other than legitimate scientific research, should be deferred. 

The statement was adopted by the 45th Consultative Meeting of Contracting Parties to the London Convention and the 18th Meeting of Contracting Parties to the London Protocol (LC 45/LP 18), which met 2-6 October 2023.

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09 October 2023

Shipping routes and maritime hubs actions to cut shipping’s GHG emissions examined at IMO-Singapore NextGEN Connect workshop in Singapore

The potential for shipping routes and maritime hubs actions to reduce shipping's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and support maritime decarbonization was examined during the IMO-Singapore NextGEN workshop held in Singapore on 5 to 6 October 2023.

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05 October 2023

Progress on safety guidelines for hydrogen- and ammonia-fuelled ships

The Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers made significant progress on the development of draft interim guidelines for the safety of ships using hydrogen and ammonia as fuel when it met for its ninth session (CCC 9, 20-29 September 2023). Also discussed were its revision of the IGC Code, the increased frequency of accidents related to entering enclosed spaces resulting in loss of life, and a draft MEPC circular on recommendations for the carriage of plastic pellets by sea in freight containers. 

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