13 June 2023

Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 107) - amendments adopted, progress on autonomous ships Code

New requirements concerning safety of navigation and voyage planning for non-SOLAS ships operating in polar waters are expected to enter into force on 1 January 2026. It follows the adoption of a first set of amendments to the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code) together with associated amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS Convention) by the IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) at its 107th session (31 May-9 June).  

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13 June 2023

Supporting the United Republic of Tanzania to draft maritime security legislation

Providing support to the United Republic of Tanzania in drafting national legislation to incorporate international IMO legal instruments on maritime security is the aim of a five-day workshop in Dar es Salaam for staff from the Ministry of Works and Transport (12-16 June).  

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06 June 2023

Bonn climate conference updated on IMO shipping decarbonization work

IMO has updated the United Nations Bonn Climate Change Conference (5-15 June) on the Organization's work towards adopting a revised Strategy on reduction of GHG emissions from shipping. The upgraded strategy is set to be adopted at the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 80), which meets 3-7 July following a meeting of the Intersessional GHG Working Group (26-30 June).

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06 June 2023

Training Indonesian port security officials

Officials in maritime security roles in Indonesia are being taught the skills and knowledge required to conduct port facility security audits. The five-day Port Facility Security Training Course (5-9 June) is taking place in Makassar, Indonesia and involves 26 officials from several organizations. 

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05 June 2023

Boosting maritime security in Togo

Strengthening port security in Togo was the focus of a training workshop in Lomé, Togo (29 May – 2 June). The event brought together 24 participants, including Port Facility Security Officers (PFSOs) from various port facilities in Togo as well as representatives of the Designated Authority.

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02 June 2023

Supporting Peru on the London Protocol on waste dumping at sea

Officials from Peru have gained insight into how to fully implement the London Protocol which protects the oceans from dumping of hazardous wastes at sea, during an in-person IMO national workshop  held in Lima, Peru (31 May-1 June), hosted by the Peruvian Maritime Authority.  

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02 June 2023

Agreement signed for gender equality work in developing countries

IMO and the Republic of Korea have signed an agreement to launch the first thematic project with Official Development Assistance funding that specifically focuses on women in maritime. The SMART-C Women Project aims to contribute towards gender equality by increasing employment opportunities for women in developing countries in the maritime sector. 

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01 June 2023

Developing national legislation to tackle sea-based plastic litter

Support for countries developing or amending national policy and legislation to tackle sea-based marine plastic litter to reflect internationally agreed policy and legal frameworks is being provided through a series of Global Webinars under the GloLitter Partnerships project. The first webinar took place on 24 May. 

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01 June 2023

Committees updated on Global South port security project

Members of the Steering Committee and Technical Committee of the Port Security and Safety of Navigation in Eastern and Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean project met in Cape Town to be updated on the project's progress in supporting the safety and security of port facilities on vital trade routes in the in Eastern and Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean region.

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